Up to the Azure Cloud Blob Storage via the Network or Azure Data Box

  • Fastest Azure Blob Ingress/Egress
  • Solutions supporting virtually any network speed to Azure, including 1Gbps, 10Gbps, 40Gbps, 80Gbps
  • Scalable Architecture to support the largest of Transfers
  • Browser-based UI supporting drag/drop and cut/copy/paste File Manager type of operations.
  • REST API to support Scripting or Integration with 3rd-Party Applications.
  • No Requirement for traditional WAN Optimization software
  • Operates on any File Type and of any File Size

PixMover™ to Blob Storage

Up to the AWS S3 Cloud via Direct Connect or the Internet

  • Fastest AWS S3 Ingress/Egress
  • Solutions supporting virtually any network speed to AWS, including 1Gbps, 10Gbps, 40Gbps, 80Gbps
  • Scalable Architecture to support the largest of Transfers
  • Browser-based UI supporting drag/drop and cut/copy/paste File Manager type of operations.
  • REST API to support Scripting or Integration with 3rd-Party Applications.
  • No Requirement for traditional WAN Optimization software
  • Operates on any File Type and of any File Size

PixMover™ Benefits

Up to the AWS S3 Cloud via Snowball Edge

  • Fastest AWS Snowball Edge Ingress Speeds – 3X the speed of the AWS Command Line tools
  • Browser-based UI supporting drag/drop and cut/copy/paste File Manager type of operations.
  • Start Loading Snowball Edge within minutes of powering it on.
  • Load the entire Snowball Edge within a single day.
  • Operates on any File Type and of any File Size
PixMover™ Benefits

Up to Wasabi via the Network or Wasabi Ball

  • Fastest Wasabi Ingress/Egress
  • Solutions supporting virtually any network speed to Wasabi, including 1Gbps, 10Gbps, 40Gbps, 80Gbps
  • Scalable Architecture to support the largest of Transfers
  • Browser-based UI supporting drag/drop and cut/copy/paste File Manager type of operations.
  • REST API to support Scripting or Integration with 3rd-Party Applications.
  • No Requirement for traditional WAN Optimization software
  • Operates on any File Type and of any File Size
PixMover™ to Wasabi S3

Point to Point Transfer

  • Utilizes the AWS Worldwide network in lieu of costly private circuits.
  • Achieve transfer speeds eqivalent to your inexpensive local circuit speed to AWS.
  • No requirement for WAN Optimization Software.
  • Monthly rental for the PixMover software.
  • Most cost effective for sending large amounts of data (>10 TB/month)
  • Supports Data Distribution from one site to multiple sites.
  • Supports File Synchronization between any two locations
  • Operates on any File Type and of any File Size
PixMover™ Benefits

On Premise between Storage Tiers

  • Ultra-High-Performance Copy Engine for Online/Nearline/Archive
  • Storage Optimization with PXZ Full Resolution Image Compression/Decompression
  • Centralized Data Mover for all Users in the Organization who are doing Data Transfers
  • Data Migration Tool, e.g. moving Data off and Decomissioning a Storage Pool.
  • Fast Transfer/Restore with Nearline
  • Use with Media Access Management, Storage Tiering Applications, or Workflow scripts using REST API
PixMover™ Benefits

Across Metro WANs

  • Data Migration between Facilities that are within the same Metropolitan Region.
  • Useful for Geo-redundant Backup between Facilities.
  • Fastest way to Stand-up a New Facility with Data from another Facility.
  • Operates on any File Type and of any File Size
PixMover™ Benefits

Compressing with Bit Exact Round Trip  for Storage and Transport Time Savings

  • Expands Capacity in Storage.
  • Reduces Storage Bandwidth Requirements.
  • Reduces the Bandwidth and Time Requirements for Transfers of DI and Camera Raw files.
  • Compression/Decompression of Full Resolution Digital Intermediate and Camera Raw Image Formats.
  • Copies other Files in Directories that aren’t Supported Image Formats.
  • Can be used in Concert with other Pixspan Products to Optimize Image-based Workflows (e.g. VDrive).
  • Bit Exact Round Trip (mathematically lossless) keeping 100% Fidelity of the Original Image
PixMover™ Benefits

Full Resolution Image Format Coverage

PixMover™ Benefits